
Monday, October 19, 2009

First Weekend

Starting week 6...

For my friends out of the country who are not familiar how Americans count the weeks in pregnancy, there are a total of 40 weeks until the baby is due.  Day one is the first day of the last period so not necessarily the age of the baby, but somewhere around a couple to three weeks before the baby was conceived.  I'm thinking the due date is June 23.

My first pregnant weekend just went by and all I did was rest a lot!  I'm very tired!  I am studying for an exam and I had a hard time reading more than a few pages at a time without a nap in between!

Our baby is now the size of a grain of rice.  He/she is growing so fast!  I got this picture from a website below, that's sort of what it looks like for now.  Taking shape :)  Thomas brought me a grain of rice while I was studying and it really put things in perspective.  How tiny!

This week the baby's nervous system, heart, kidneys, liver and lungs will start forming.  The shape will also start unveiling as jaw, cheeks, chin, ear canals, nose and eyes start to form around this week.

His/her heart should also be beating now.

Baby Development at 6 Weeks Pregnant

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