
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Week 15

This week we had an appointment with the OB nurse where we got questioned about every single disease in our families.  The nurse had a lot of information that we have to go through the next couple of weeks.  What surprised me is that she basically told us to throw our book "What to expect when you are expecting" in the trash.  I find it very helpful particularly so I'm surprised she said that.  

We also had Andrew's 2 year old birthday party.  It was great fun and also exhausting!!  2 is a very fun age, he's repeating everything we say.

In other news I also passed my Professional Engineering Certification so I'm ecstatic about that!

So, what is the baby up to this week?  The baby is growing at an amazing rate. The baby can be up to 4 inches (10 cm) and weighs 2 to 3 ounces (70 grams).  The baby's hair will start appearing on the scalp and eyebrows.  The baby's skin is developing and is now a thin layer.  And now the baby can wiggle fingers and toes and make a fist!

Baby Development at 15 Weeks Pregnant

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